Tramite il blog ufficiale di Battlefield, Dice decide di illustrare, a tutti i fans del gioco, il nuovo sistema di “Missioni Personalizzate”, inserito nel quarto capitolo della serie.
Le “Missioni Personalizzate” consistono in particolari eventi multiplayer, da affrontare con un massimo di quattro amici, nei quali saremo noi a dettare le regole della sfida, impostando l’obiettivo da raggiungere, la mappa su cui giocare, la difficoltà di gioco, le armi utilizzabili e il numero di tentativi.
Ogni evento avrà una durata di 48 ore, nelle quali dovremmo fare tutto il possibile per raggiungere l’obiettivo prefissato.
Tale sistema permetterà non solo di personalizzare l’esperienza online del nuovo capitolo della serie, ma ci darà la possibilità di mostrare agli altri la nostra bravura sul campo di battaglia, basando le sfide sui nostri record personali.
Parlando di queste inedite missioni personalizzate, DICE ha voluto precisare che, tale sistema sarà costantemente in aggiornamento, al fine di includere nuovi parametri di scelta per rendere le sfide sempre più variegate.
Come era facile immaginare, una volta creata la missione il sistema invierà una notifica ai giocatori, invitati a partecipare all’evento, anche attraverso la companion app mobile di Battlefield 4, la quale potrà essere usata direttamente per organizzare il nostro evento.
Through the official blog of Battlefield, Dice decided to show, to the fans, the new system of "Customized Missions", put in the 4th chapter of the saga. The "customized missions" consist in particular multiplayer events, to do with a maximum of 4 friends, where we'll make the rules of the match; choosing which objective must be reached, which map, which difficulty, which weapons is allowed and the number of attemps. Each event will be long 48 hours, where we have to do everything possible to reach the prefixed objective. This type of mode won't allow only to customize the online experience of the new chapter of the saga, but it will give us the possibility to show to the entire world our skills on the battlefield, basing the matches on the own records. Talking about these customized missions, DICE said that this system will be costantly in updating, to include new parameters of choice, to make the matches always more interesting. When the session will be created, the system will send a message to the players, invited to play the event, throught the Companion App Mobile of Battlefield4, which will can be used directly to organize the own event.
Through the official blog of Battlefield, Dice decided to show, to the fans, the new system of "Customized Missions", put in the 4th chapter of the saga. The "customized missions" consist in particular multiplayer events, to do with a maximum of 4 friends, where we'll make the rules of the match; choosing which objective must be reached, which map, which difficulty, which weapons is allowed and the number of attemps. Each event will be long 48 hours, where we have to do everything possible to reach the prefixed objective. This type of mode won't allow only to customize the online experience of the new chapter of the saga, but it will give us the possibility to show to the entire world our skills on the battlefield, basing the matches on the own records. Talking about these customized missions, DICE said that this system will be costantly in updating, to include new parameters of choice, to make the matches always more interesting. When the session will be created, the system will send a message to the players, invited to play the event, throught the Companion App Mobile of Battlefield4, which will can be used directly to organize the own event.